Funding for Artists in the UK

Funding for arts projects in the UK

Welcome to aLume Network. A new initiative to help deliver your arts, culture and heritage funding for artists in the UK. Whether you are a large arts organisation, charity or an ambitious artist looking to fund your work for the first time we’ll be happy to talk and help. You can never think about applying for grants or talking to funders, foundations and donors too soon. Here’s where we help…

Adam Henderson


Arts Fundraising Consultant – Arts & Culture Funding

As a charity does the following sound familiar?

Identifying funding

Being proactive and finding the right source of funding for your mission can be time-consuming because of the ever-changing funding landscape. Building a fundraising strategy that’s right for you.

Deadline issues

Due to your commitment to your work you might struggle to achieve application deadlines.

Justifying spending

Researching and approaching the right donors, trusts and foundations and justifying how the funds will be spent can be daunting.

Presenting to win

Speaking at the level and saying what the funders and grant givers want to hear is hard for you. You want to talk about the importance of your work.

As an artist and musician, I have been where you are…

You can’t do it alone; imagine if it could be like this:


Let the professionals do it

You have a professional working WITH you who is as passionate about getting the right funding as you are and is proficient at doing so too. You don’t have to get involved in the funding process apart from giving your back story and helping provide the facts and figures needed to present your case. A freelance consultant with no need to be employed.


All 'the doing' taken off your hands

All of the paperwork, communications and presentations to get the right funding are taken care of. As a feature writer for a national high-end lifestyle magazine, I know only the highest levels of delivery are acceptable.


Application submitted promptly

Your funding application has been completed and submitted and is being reviewed by funders. Your ideal funding partner has been identified and your missions align.


Guidance on how to present confidently

Being able to present your work confidently to the right donors who have made themselves known, trusts and foundations knowing they are the right fit.


Getting your time and focus back

You get your time back so that you can focus on the cause you are so passionate about, knowing that the funding research is taken care of. You feel a sense of relief, satisfaction, achievement and recognition because all of this technical stuff is being done by a professional with a proven track record.

Funding for artists in the UK service

– The service & process


#1 Impact evaluation & fundraising audit

We start with the end in mind to ensure that money will be well used so that charity can be accountable to their stakeholders with an impact evaluation.

Then we do a fundraising audit to review where the charity is currently and discover any low-hanging fruit for quick wins and what gaps there are to fill.


#2 Profiling + feasibility review

We take the audit and interview the charity, going deep to fully profile and understand, in your words, what the business is doing, and needing. We download your expert knowledge to feed back into the fundraising strategy and application further down the line.

#3 Fundraising strategy + prospect research

We develop a set of objectives and lay out a clear strategy for this year’s funding and future years. From the feasibility review, we research the best prospects to match with the charity for likely successful results.


#4 Speak to the board & qualify

After identifying the best prospects, we speak to their board to further qualify if they are a good fit for your charity. We seek to understand their requirements and timescales for a well-received application.


#5 Form-filling & application

We complete all the necessary paperwork from the research and planning so that the form can be submitted and reviewed promptly.

#6 Financial success

We win the funding for the current year and allocate the spending for this. Also starting to proactively plan for the next year from the learnings discovered.

Let's make a difference together

Are you a passionate charity organisation seeking to make a meaningful impact in your community? Harness the power of persuasive writing by partnering with a skilled freelance bid writer today. Together, we can turn your vision into a proposal that captures hearts and secures vital funding.

Take action now - your mission deserves a compelling voice

Further reading

what types of funding

What types of funding and grants are available in the UK?

how funded

How are arts and creative enterprises funded in the UK?